Some libraries, of course, have had mm pbs rebound into heavy
covers over the years, which I suspect is what Faulkner was
referring to; Permabook/Ballantine-like (I thing both did
this, or is my memory playing me false?)
stiffening/laminating of the paperback covers is also not
uncommon...companies have been willing to do this. Some of my
pbs could use this or some similar regluing. TM
-----Original Message----- From: [mailto:]
Some publishers, like Permabooks, issued some hardbound books
in paperback size, and Ballantine experimented with
simultaneous hard/soft publication. But I've never seen any
paperbacks that people had bound. Maybe there are some,
though. Or maybe that was just something Faulkner thought of
I should have mentioned that John Faulkner is William's
brother. He wrote a pretty funny series of books for Gold
Medal set along Cabin Road.
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