Todd said: The dealers are out there, and need your support,
and they often advertise in the cf magazines and the about-cf
magazines, which also needyour support. And then there're the
auction sites...
Although I try and avoid ebay (I don't like the idea of
competitive bidding.) and buy from powell or abe, I have
successfully bought some nice books thru ebay.
I wish I lived closer to Indianapolis. Its a decent-sized
city, and I know there must be a lot of good used book stores
there. But from where I live, it's a two hour drive to most
places in Indianapolis. I'm hoping that this winter when the
boating comes to an end, I'll be able to take a day off and
go up and explore.
I have fond memories of many, many years ago when my parents
would dump my young ass with my aunt in Indianapolis for a
night or two. She took me to some of those old bookstores and
was patient while I looked around.
thanks, miker
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