RARA-AVIS: RE: Ellroy on Mosley

From: Dick Lochte ( dlochte@adelphia.net)
Date: 23 Jul 2002

The source might be worth recalling, and analyzing, before we get into how the comment reflects on Ellroy. Even if he said that Mosley ripped him off, which is not an impossibility, did he give specific examples? Was he sarcastically and facetiously brushing aside a question about Mosley's writing? Was he just being the outrageous Ellroy?

Dick Lochte

Rene wrote:

I don't recall the source but I understand that Ellroy has accused Mosley of ripping off his ideas to write A RED DEATH. If it's true that Ellroy has said this, it reflects far more poorly on Ellroy than Mosley. The notion that no-one other than Ellroy could hit on the idea of writing about the "red scare" of the 50's is just ludicrous. I would have thought that it was one of the most obvious story ideas that some one writing crime fiction set in LA in the 1950's could come up with & I don't possess Ellroy's genius. (I'm not even going to go into why an author of Mosley's talent would need to steal from Ellroy)

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