The déª vu feeling works either way. I read the first book,
"Cold Steel Rain" and loved it. For me, its resolutions
competed the Danny Chaisson story. I wish Abel (whose bare
bones thumbnail bio suggests he isn't named Abel at all) had
come up with a new character for "The Burying Field." That
book's plot -- the murder and its aftermath -- is strong, but
Chaisson's personal story seemed tacked on and stretched. In
"Rain" personal story and plot were beautifully interwoven.
If ever a "series" should be read in order, it's this
Dick Lochte
Craig Larson wrote: I, too, just finished this book recently.
I enjoyed it, though not quite so much as his second book
about Danny Chaisson, The Burying Field. Part of the problem,
I think, is that Abel mentions plot points from Rain so often
in Field that I almost felt as if I'd already read it.
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