Rene Ribic wrote:
> (On the topic of Ellroy's "recommendations" I
recently read list-guy
> Terrill Lankford's ANGRY MOON. I also liked it but I
did read it,
> something I'm not at all sure Ellroy could say. Nice
work, Terrill.
Thanks, Rene. But Ellroy read (and blurbed) SHOOTERS, not
(I was afraid to ask him if he actually read the book before
he blurbed it, but he put my fears to rest by discussing it
in some detail with me one night and I later became aware
that he was recommending the book at some of his signings
back in '97 or '98.)
> It's
> funny, I saw a photo of Terrill & miker together
but I had them
> confused. Seeing the pic on the dustcover I realise
Terrill is the one
> with the beard. (miker's caption said that he was
the "fat one" but I
> couldn't work out which one that was meant to be.
Not that they both
> looked fat, they both look pretty
I'll take average any day. I guess miker's caption has
everyone thinking he's me and I'm him. I probably outweigh
him by 30 pounds.
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