Re: RARA-AVIS: Mystery (un)Scene

From: Kate Derie (
Date: 27 Jun 2002

This is part of a message that Kate Stine sent out a week ago. Sorry I didn't forward it sooner. Those of you who know Ed well may be interested in seeing the entire message -- please let me know offline and I will forward it.

BTW, I'm trying to provide a place for some of these "nibs" (news in brief) on the DEADline News page at Cluelass. The link is Please email me at mailto: if you have an item for this page.

------ Forwarded Message From: Date: Mon, 17 Jun 2002 13:06:29 EDT

Hi everyone,

Ed Gorman and I have been making some plans for Mystery Scene. As many of you already know, Ed has had some serious health problems over the past year. Ed wants to take it a bit easier these day and only (!) work as a full-time writer.

So he's decided to turn over Mystery Scene to me and my husband with the forthcoming Fall issue #76. This will publish on September 15, 2002, in time for Bouchercon. (Issue #75 is still at the printer and is shipping next week.) I'm happy to say that he's agreed to stay on as a columnist about the literary life.

Ed's talents as a writer are self-evident. But he's also made a great contribution to the field with his many anthologies as well as his work at Mystery Scene. Over the years he's been good to a LOT of people. Me included.


Best wishes, Kate

Kate Stine, Editor-in-chief Mystery Scene Magazine 331 W. 57th Street, Suite 148 New York, NY 10019-3101 Tel: 212-765-7124 Fax: 212-765-1381 Email: (temporary)

Web: (forthcoming)

------ End of Forwarded Message

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