Re: RARA-AVIS: Titles--favorite and not so favorite

From: Rene Ribic (
Date: 24 Jun 2002

> My favorite Avallone title (and the competition is stiff for that
honor) is

I'm assuming that this one is in the sleaze or porn genre. Otherwise, if it's one of his private dick novels, it automatically gets my vote for best/worst hb novel title. Just the fact that a "straight" p.i. novel had been printed with that title would make it a stand out.
> Like others I love the Willeford titles and KISS YOUR ASS GOODBYE is a
> particular favorite.

I love the Willeford titles too. I suspect many/most of us do love them around here, the titles are so wonderfully expressive of his ironical style. For me although, THE BURNT ORANGE HERESY was pretty meaningless, until reading the book of course. Some other favourites of mine: THEY SHOOT HORSES DON'T THEY?; THEY DON'T DANCE MUCH; THE FOOLS IN TOWN ARE ON OUR SIDE.


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