Re: RARA-AVIS: Mitchum on Chandler

From: Rene Ribic (
Date: 20 Jun 2002

> >| One of the writers he met was a rising star of private eye
> >| fiction, Raymond Chandler, author of THE BIG SLEEP and FAREWELL,
> >| MY LOVELY. "I wasn't sure what to make of him," Mitchum would
> >| recall. "I thought he affected a British accent, and he was
> >| always wearing white gloves ... a nice guy, but distant,
> >| suspicious of everybody."
> You haven't found a place in TO that sells those white gloves, by any
> chance, Bill? I hear they're good for playing piano too.
> Kerry
Not to mention the fact that they don't leave fingerprints behind.
(Should on be in a situation that requires that amount of caution.)


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