Re: RARA-AVIS: rabe and westlake

From: Mark Sullivan (
Date: 03 Jun 2002

e.e. miker wrote:

"and i've got westlake and stark (they are the same person, i hope) . .

They may inhabit the same body, but you'd never know they were the same person by their writing. As a matter of fact, there is one good reason to buy the movie tie-in copy of Payback (AKA The Hunter, AKA Point Blank); it contains a preface where Westlake explains how Stark vanished, then reappeared within him.

I seem to remember his once explaining how he chose who to write as, by saying he wrote as Stark on rainy days, but as Westlake on sunny ones. Perhaps that was in the round robin interview with several of Westlake's alter-egos in the Murder Ink book.


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