Re: RARA-AVIS: Gruber

From: Joy Matkowski (
Date: 01 Jun 2002

Richard Moore <> responded: "I don't see a book "The Red
(blank)" on the Gruber list I checked. It sounds like one of his novels published in the 1960s that had international themes such as: The Gold Gap
(1968), The Etruscan Bull (1969) and The Spanish Prisoner (1969). I was never moved the read any of those but it is likely others on the list have. Gruber writes about Hubbard in several points in The Pulp Jungle. A couple of times when the story or comment might be seen as uncomplimentary, IIRC, Gruber did not use Hubbard's name but it was easy to figure out from the context. In those days discussing Hubbard in print could spark litigation or threats of litigation."

In my surfing, I came across a lot of his used books and bought French Key. It isn't in the international series, I don't think: Two pals are locked out of their apartment for not paying their rent; when they burgle their way back in to get their belongings, they stumble across a dead body.
    I noticed that many of his books are listed as having several publishers and two or more titles.


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