Re: RARA-AVIS: 1933 markets; Gruber

From: Joy Matkowski (
Date: 01 Jun 2002

 Richard Moore wrote: "The magazine also featured a regular column "Gossip from our New York
 representative" Ed Bodin. Readers of Frank Gruber's fascinating memoir THE PULP JUNGLE will recognize Bodin's name. In fact it was only a few months after this issue came out that Gruber moved to New York determined to make it as a writer."

I was reminded of an exciting adventure book I thought was by Frank Gruber that took place in South America and concerned llamas. "The Red <something or other>"? So I Googled, and didn't see anything close by the time I was distracted by the story of his friendship with and influence on L. Ron Hubbard. Does this book sound familiar to anyone?
    I may take a look through my unopened boxes of books, but it's probably gone. I moved in 1993 and had to get rid of 90% of my books, and then did the same in 1996.

Joy, who'll never move again except to a place with rooms and rooms of built-in bookshelves

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