Re: RARA-AVIS: Reprinting the lost classics

From: Doug Bassett (
Date: 30 May 2002

--- Buzz <> wrote:
> I'm just curious what long-out-of-prints books list
> members would love to
> see reprinted? Certainly there has to be a bountiful
> group of deserving
> candidates.

The Charles Williams back catalog is an obvious choice. There are some who say that he was the best of the Gold Medal authors -- I'm not sure I'd go that far, but the books I've read have been simply superb. He's ridiculously hard to find.

Another obvious choice would be the best books from the Lion line. I know very little about them, but I read an essay in the BIG BOOK OF NOIR which made them sound absolutely mouthwatering. I have *never* found a Lion paperback, and I do keep an eye out for them.

Like Rene said, it
> would also be nice to see Willeford's "The Black
> Mass of Brother Springer"
> re-issued, because although Black Lizard did it in
> the '80's, it's virtually
> impossible to find for less than sixty bucks.

Really? I have this. It's a great book.


===== Doug Bassett

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