From a purely selfish perspective, I'm glad to see reprints
of the tougher Goodis titles--it makes for a cheap way to
fill the holes in the old collection. Any self-respecting
Avian should be able to dig up used copies of the better
titles without too much effort.
However, I don't think it will hurt Goodis's reputation. When
these 2nd-rate reprints don't sell, publishers are going to
be reluctant to birng the good stuff back in print. Too
> > Here's a related question. Why are David
Goodis's best books (Prion's
> > Passage" aside) not reprinted? Why opt for "Of
Tender Sin", "The Moon
> > the Gutter" and "The Blonde on the Street
Corner", when you could have
> > Burglar", "Cassidy's Girl" and
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