RE: RARA-AVIS: Biker Wars

From: Robison Michael R CNIN (
Date: 29 May 2002

joy says:
<<The age of these guys is fascinating--fifties and sixties.>>

************************************** hi joy,

here in indiana they have a yearly motorcycle get- together. its not as big as the sturgis event out west, but it still draws around 30,000 bikers for a long weekend in july. its called the bean blossom boogie.

anyway, unlike the young and restless you would expect, the average age must be around 50. before cell phones became the norm, the bikers would line up every morning at the pay phones outside the camp area, presumably to check on their high school aged kids to see if they had followed in the steps of their parents and wrecked the house with a party the pre- vious evening. ;-)

my wife and i have gone now for 6 out of the last 7 years. to check out the biker scene there, go to click the boogie link and then general admission.


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