Joseph Hone wrote some brilliant spy thrillers in the 70s and
early 80s featuring an agent called Peter Marlow: The Sixth
Directorate starts in third person and, when Marlow has been
plucked from prison as the sucker to take the mission, the
novel "proper" begins, from his perspective. It's done very
well. I'm reading another novel of his at the moment, The
Valley of The Fox, which is more hard-boiled. It takes
Geoffrey Household's Rogue Male as a model: Marlow's former
bosses come to his house in the Cotswolds to kill him, and he
has to survive in the surrounding countryside. So far, it's
very good indeed.
The slightly predictable Jeremy, who has found it much harder
to read third person novels since discovering Adam Hall's
Quiller series.
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