Re: RARA-AVIS: long post on spillane

From: Peedie Monk (
Date: 26 May 2002

----- Original Message ----- From: "Mario Taboada" <>
> The anecdote: a female acquaintance of mine thought that a
> Spillane book was a parody. She only thought this after
> reading a few pages, after which she returned the book to
> me.

"The pulse in her throat began beating wildly. There was a hungry animal look in her eyes. She sucked in a deep breath and ran her hands over her hips, smoothing the apron. I went to her, and I cupped her chin in the palm of my left hand.
  'Baby', I said.
   Then I drew back my right fist and hit her on the mouth. She fell back against the sink, and I followed with a quick chop to the gut and a fast uppercut to the jaw."

"I watched the bodies come down to the pavement, and I took a quick count of arms and legs. It had been seven of the rats.
   'Seven and five is thirteen,' I told Melinda. 'That leaves eleven more.'"

From Ed McBain's "Kiss Me Dudley."

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