Re: RARA-AVIS: Just bought

From: Randy Schultz (
Date: 24 May 2002

On Fri, 24 May 2002 15:05:21 -0600 "Larson, Craig"
<> writes:
> Any comments on Gordon Davis' _House Dick_?
> I just found this used Gold Medal original in the
> leftovers from last week's library book sale. I
> filled a flat with books for $1, which means the
> Davis cost me around 3 or 4 cents--it doesn't have
> any bookstore stamps or missing pages and looks
> to be in pretty good shape for a book with a 1961
> copyright.

Bookfinder has it for sale at around $4-$7 (which, of course, doesn't mean it will actually sell for that).

I love Gold Medal books. Did you get any others?


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