RE: RARA-AVIS: 1st & 3rd

From: Robison Michael R CNIN (
Date: 24 May 2002

mark coggins said: The difference between FALCON and KEY is that Hammett took this objective business one step further and rather than saying Spade did this or Spade did that, he always says Ned Beaumont did this or Ned Beaumont did that. Always repeating both names makes the character seem even more distanced from the reader, I think.


hammett stole the technique of always using the full name from hemingway's _for whom the bell tolls_, where robert jordan is always robert jordan, and never robert, god forbid bob, and don't even think about bobby.

the impressive thing about hammett stealing this technique from hemingway is that the glass key came out in 1931, and the spanish civil war, upon which _for whom the bell tolls_ is based, didn't start until 1937. thats amazing, isn't it? how did he do that?


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