Re: RARA-AVIS: Laura

From: Peedie Monk (
Date: 24 May 2002

----- Original Message ----- From: "JIM DOHERTY" <>
> What it really is is the first mystery/romance genre
> crossover. It's damned good, but it might not be your
> particular thing. Check out the movie. If you like
> that, you'll probably like the book.

I'll do that. Romance is a genre I've never investigated. If I did, I'd probably start with an Ashley Carter - since I found out AC was a Harry Whittington pseudonym I've seen second hand copies everywhere.

By the way, Jim, I seem to remember that you're a John Wainwright fan. I've never read any before, but I just picked up a copy of "Dig The Grave And Let Him Lie." Have you read this one?

Al Guthrie

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