Re: RARA-AVIS: re:1st & 3rd?

From: Peedie Monk (
Date: 23 May 2002

----- Original Message ----- From: "Carrie Pruett" <>
> I feel the same about Joe Pike and I don't know if "his" sections of LA
> Requiem would have worked in 1st person.

Probably not, but they certainly didn't work in third. Not for me. Ruined an otherwise excellent book.

> Some people say they don't like to read first person because it contains
> word "I" too much but I don't really get this; if you feel that way, do
> refuse to read letters or email from your friends? :)

Yes. Al can't stand it. He's asked all his friends to write in the third person from now on. Come to think of it, nobody's written in a while...

>Personally, as a
> reader the repeated "I" sounds a lot more natural to me than the constant
> repetition of "he," "she," or the character's name in 3rd person.

But 3rd person gives you the option of referring to the character obliquely, if you choose. Instead of "he" or "she" you can write, "the man with the scar" or "Joe's sister" or whatever. First person is more limited, therefore likely to be more repetitive.

Al Guthrie

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