RE: RARA-AVIS: Re: Chandler/Poodle Springs

From: Anderson, Erick (ETW) (
Date: 21 May 2002

        I've read them both, and I was disappointed more in Poodle Springs from the point of view that I was expecting Raymond Chandler. Perchance to Dream was unsatisfying in that I felt that it was Parker's Spenser channeling the spirit of Philip Marlowe. In each case, Parker is a talented writer, but in each case, I think some things are better left undone. I feel the same way about what-his-name that picked up writing Bond books after Fleming's passing.

        Best Regards, Erick


> I haven't read it yet, but I suspect that Parker's
> solo Marlowe novel, PERCHANCE TO DREAM, a direct
> sequel to THE BIG SLEEP, might be more satisfying that
> Does anyone who's read the both have an opinion?

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