RARA-AVIS: Death Benefits

From: Larson, Craig ( Craig.Larson@tsjc.cccoes.edu)
Date: 20 May 2002

In a message dated 5/20/02 12:42:40 AM, blumenidiot@21stcentury.net writes:

>but any idiot such as myself can work
>out what the situation is well over a hundred pages from the climax, while
>he and the other two protagonists can't.

I noticed this too about Death Benefits, but I thought Perry used this well,

putting the characters in harm's way and drawing out the suspense. It's like Hitchcock's take on suspense. Show the bomb under the chair at the beginning of the scene, and then let the hero enter the room.

And although it's true it's apparent to the reader what the situation is, it

can be argued if this were a true to life situation, and for the characters,

it is a true to life situation, one wouldn't automatically make that assumption, because one doesn't see that sort of thing everyday.

John Lau

I, too had the whole thing figured out, but it still worked for me because I kept thinking "that can't possibly be what's really behind it all." Turned out it was, but I kept turning the pages as fast as I could.

Craig Larson Trinidad, CO

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