RARA-AVIS: Re: Parker and movies better

From: Sally Jane Driscoll ( renza9@yahoo.com)
Date: 20 May 2002

I don't remember whether I read "A Catskill Eagle." I like to read a lot by the same author at one time, and stopped reading Parker after reading three or four in a row without being able to tell them apart. Hawk shows up and he and Spenser do their patter, Susan eats her salad and closes her bedroom door in Spenser's face.

Hawk never seemed to me like Spenser's dark side. Instead, the three characters seemed to make up a single human being. Susan was the soul, Hawk was the body and Spenser was the mind trying to hold it all together. After a while I wanted each character to be a full individual, not a personification of a part of an individual.

I am going back to Michael Connelly: just picked up The Black Ice, The Black Echo, Void Moon and Darkness More Than Night, which is a nice before-and-after range (1992 and 1993 to 2000 and 2001). Should be interesting.

As for movies, I'm tempted to say that anything by Kurosawa is better than the original (especially if Toshiro Mifune is in it), except that would include Shakespeare, so I guess I'm not being reasonable. Hidden Fortress has it all over Star Wars, though--just had to say it (I do know which came first).



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