Re: RARA-AVIS: Re: RARA-AVIS Digest V4 #299

From: Brian Thornton (
Date: 19 May 2002

At 11:21 AM 5/16/02 +0000, you wrote:
> > Obviously there is John Huston's brilliant screen
> >adaptation of 'The Maltese Falcon' (his directorial debut, btw), one of the
> >seminal "Noir" films.
>It struck me when I was re-reading the book lately that the script is so
>close to the original that it almost doesn't count as "adaptation". In
>fact - I have a very visual imagination - when I tried to read the book I
>found it impossible to visualise anything except in terms of the film.
>Unusual - to put it mildly.

Hi Marianne,

Actually, isn't that the idea behind the most pure sort of screenplay? Huston did cut several portions of the book, but he kept the dialogue intact, and Hammett's description, setting and pacing truly lend themselves to a screen adaptation.


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