Re: RARA-AVIS: Re: RARA-AVIS Digest V4 #302

From: Jeremy Duns (
Date: 17 May 2002

--- wrote:
> A lot more than you probably needed to know about
> Chet Drum.

Not at all, Richard - thanks very much for the info.

 As for my time
> in Brussels, I officially switched back to my
> companies payrole at the start
> of 2001 but maintained my flat and spent two weeks a
> month there through
> March. I have been back on holiday. As for others
> on the list in Brussels,
> Etienne lives near Brussels according to a post in
> response to your first
> posting.

Yes, I just thought that perhaps there might be others you knew about who hadn't posted in the last few weeks. I went into some more used bookstores yesterday, and the selection was, again, very good - perhaps the high turn-over rate in Brussels (the average expat stays here 2 and a half years) explains this. Book here also seem very cheap - I'm always shocked at having to pay £3 for a used book in London, when I can get the same thing for 50 cents here. An unread copy of The Kill Artist by Daniel Silva was 75 cents. Whenever I get worried about my addiction for second-hand books, I commiserate myself with the relatively low cost of my habit - I'm not collecting vintage watches or anything. Jeremy

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