Re: RARA-AVIS: Hit Men/Jill Hennessey

From: George Upper (
Date: 03 May 2002

--- Carrie Pruett <> wrote:
> Manuel wrote:
> >Graham Greene (chapter featuring Raven)

And speaking of Graham Greene, would anyone care to make a recommendation? It's coming up on my birthday, and, as usual, I'll be asking for books. Greene is one I've felt for a long time that I should read.

> funny you should ask, she's [Jill Hennessy] actually
> doppelganger.

Y'all are making me sorry I brought this up. ;) I was going to mention earlier that George Clooney is my doppelganger, and we even have the same name. And, for that matter, the same haircut.


===== George C. Upper III, Editor The Lightning Bell Poetry Journal

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