Re: RARA-AVIS: Hardboiled Character Traits

From: Mario Taboada (
Date: 29 Apr 2002

<<A quick glance at their bios will clue you to the major difference between these two. Mel is a movie tough guy.

Lee Marvin was a tough guy. Period.>>

Also, Lee Marvin never did a shitty Hamlet. Gibson's Hamlet, which I watched the other night, was pathetic. He was mugging for the camera, his Shakespearean verse was insecure and unconvincing. He conveyed very little emotion. It's true that Gielgud may have spoiled the role for everybody else, just like Chandler spoiled the romantic PI for everybody else, but I expected more of Gibson, some approximation at least.

By the way, Glenn Close's diction was quite unsuitable and she seemed lost. She was also mugging for the camera. Still, I prefer her mugging to Gibson's.

I claim ontopicity because Hamlet is a noir story.



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