I'm going to be pig headed and stick with my assertion since
he wasn't a cop first. You haven't disproved it, only shown
that it's not black and white any how. My overall point still
stands regardless of whether or not Marlowe is a true
example. Being rich doesn't preclude one from being
hardboiled. You either have the 'tude or you don't. The
events in one's life that could lead to developing such an
attitude are not delegated to any specific socioeconomic
level. One might have more than the other, but there will
always be exceptions.
-- Anthony Dauer Alexandria, Virginia
2nd Annual Country Noir Issue ...
... submit by 4 May 2002
-----Original Message----- From: JIM DOHERTY Sent: Saturday, April 27, 2002 4:33 PM
In other words, Marlowe's status as a DA's investigator merely meant that he was a GOOD flatfoot, not that he was something OTHER than a flatfoot.
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