I think you may have hit the nail on the head with that ...
being anything all the time isn't very realistic. That would
be too black and white, and reality is rarely that. Too often
when a character does they turn into a two-dimensional
representation of themselves. As far as LA Confidential goes,
I can't recall anyone being out of character. The period of
time (in the movie at least) doesn't require it for
believability. The book is a patchwork of scenes so it
wouldn't necessarily require it either. A more through
exploration of character would require it possibly as in
Marlowe or Lew Archer, etc.
I'm not sure if the "humble beginnings" should be a
requirement either
... how do you know that Marlowe or the Continental Op for
example aren't the disillusioned sons of wealth? Their
experiences growing up leading to their cynical and
hardboiled attitudes at maturity? Wasn't Marlowe an Intel
officer in WWII? Or am I thinking of someone else? Officer
tends to equal college degree outside of a field commission
as does being part of the Intel MOS. Then his work in the
DA's office supports that as well. A more likely position for
a child of wealth than as a flatfoot. Exley comes back to
become a cop, but that's where his roots are to begin
Lots of possibilities there.
-- Anthony Dauer Alexandria, Virginia
2nd Annual Country Noir Issue ...
... submit by 4 May 2002
-----Original Message----- From: Mario Taboada Sent: Saturday, April 27, 2002 1:19 PM
The point is, I think, that no character can be totally hardboiled all the time. A point that has already been made by other posters but which, in the case or Parker (an acknowledged ultrahardboiled icon), seems particularly apposite.
Now the quiz: Can anybody think of a good action, or at least an out of character action, by Dudley Smith? I know that he's more in the psychopath category, but the question is still relevant.
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