anthony said: Oh, you found a web site that says so ... well
it must be true then. We weren't ruling them out by the way
and it would take more than a "web site" to say
hi anthony,
thanks for the information on dibdin and ambler. evidently
you missed the context of the message to charles. he had
"...I think a noir novel can contain no hardboiled
so it wasn't "you" i was talking about when i referred to not
ruling hardboiled characters out of a noir novel. it was
and yup! if it says so in a web site, its gotta be God's
(notice the rare upper case there) word. i could have sited
jim's famous line about "anything that is tough and
colloquial, and dark and sinister is both hardboiled and
noir," but i believe jim has filed for copyright on it and i
didn't want to get caught up in any copyright infringement
mess. ;-)
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