From: Robison Michael R CNIN (
Date: 26 Apr 2002

jack says: Wasn't "Hill Street Blues" based on LA (in spite of the el that seems to dominate some of it?) Isn't there a police station in central LA on Hill Street?

hi jack,

shot in LA, modelled after chicago, about 300 miles north of the hills and hollers of southern indiana. hill street blues faq:

   "The producers intentionally did not identify Hill Street with any particular city. This was partly so that viewers could more easily identify with the show by making it seem like it could be in any large city, and partly so they could run controversial story lines without antagonizing a particular city. (Bochco said that maintaining Hill Street's any-city look mostly required finding streets in L.A. that didn't have any palm trees. Which wasn't easy.) According to the book TVacations, Hill Street could have been set in "any U.S. city east of Chicago."
   However, the crew did use Chicago as a model. Chicago Police Department officers served as research advisors, and many exterior shots were taken in Chicago (see "Where was Hill Street filmed?" below). Some story lines were borrowed from incidents in Chicago life. And many people have noticed the similarity between Hill Street's squad cars and the Chicago squad cars of the time."


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