RARA-AVIS: Barry Maitland

From: Larson, Craig ( Craig.Larson@tsjc.cccoes.edu)
Date: 23 Apr 2002

>I've just finished reading the first four books in this series - the other
>is All My Enemies - for a group discussion on another list. They are
>police procedurals and I don't consider them hardboiled. Not cozies mind
>you but not very noir or graphic either. I quite enjoy them mostly for
>settings and for the originality of the themes around wich the murders take
>place, rare stamps for example. I also like the fact that each book is
>different from the other even though the police involved are mainly the
>people. I'm looking forward to reading #5 which deals with a shopping

How do they compare to Ian Rankin's books or Peter Robinson's? (they struck me as being somewhat similar, but am I correct?)


Craig Larson Trinidad, CO

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