Interesting discussion... I read a very laudatory article
about Henning Mankell in either _Library Journal_ or
_Booklist_ and thought those books sounded pretty good. The
next time I sent out a library book order, I included 5
Mankell titles. So far, I've read both _Faceless Killers_ and
_Sidetracked_ and liked them both immensely. We've also
_The Fifth Woman_, _The White Lioness_, and
_One Step Behind_. Wallander is a very introspective
character, brooding about the changes in his society and how
things seem to be going to hell. I thought it interesting in
_Faceless Killers_ that he actually had some sympathy for the
anti-immigrant faction that plays a role in the book's
events. The unchecked tide of immigration makes his job that
much more difficult. But despite his sympathy, he does the
job assigned to him.
I was wondering if anyone knows anything about the Kathy
Kola/David Brock mysteries by Barry Maitland? I've got 3 of
these titles (_The Marx Sisters_, _The Malcontenta_, and _The
Chalon Heads_) which just came in, again purchased on the
spur of the moment after reading a review. Are they at all
Craig Larson Trinidad, CO
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