MrT agrees:
> I have to disagree with Jim Doherty about elegance
> hardboiledness. Dudley Smith, one of the most
> characters in crime fiction, expresses himself in a
> fatherly brogue. His actions, though...
i'd been thinking about that myself. uh, not dudley actually,
but the judge in mccarthy's _blood meridian_. the judge was
more eloquent than colloquial, so if that's a requirement,
then he didn't make the hardboiled grade. maybe he's just a
noir sorta guy.
i don't know. i did not come here with any preconceived idea
of what hardboiled means, so i've pretty much relied on group
concensus for a definition.
applying a little (very little) thought to it makes me wonder
about the
"colloquial "requirement. that means a character cannot be
deemed hardboiled, solely by his actions. so a mute character
could not be hardboiled, could he? ;-)
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