Re: RARA-AVIS: Henning Mankell

Date: 22 Apr 2002

Re my post below:

> Given the recent vote, there are an awful lot of
> Martin Beck fans on the list. I just finished a
> book
> by a Swedish writer named Henning Mankell called
> FACELESS KILLERS that I think will appeal to most
> Sjowall/Wahloo enthusiasts.
> The hero is a rural detective inspector named Kurt
> Wallender. Think of him as Carl Houseman to Martin
> Beck's Steve Carella. He operates in a rural
> farming
> community that, despite its rustic charm has more
> than
> its share of violent crime.
> The first two books published in English won some
> kind
> of Swedish crime writing award. The thrid,
> SIDETRACKED, won the CWA's Golden Dagger for Best
> Novel.
> I found FACELESS KILLERS to be a bit of a slow
> starter, but sticking with it paid off. I'll make a
> point of looking for the other Wallender books.

I just noticed that, wlthough I mentioned him in the subject line, nowhere in the body of the message did I mention that the author's name is Henning Mankell.


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