At 07:41 AM 4/21/02 -0400, Jim Blue wrote:
>Because the former rises from a battle with personal
demons, a hard
>boiled theme as old as the genre, while the latter
violates even Sam Spade's
>oft repeated motto, "I won't play the sap for
But Spade is a sap, as are all the characters in The Maltese
Falcon, conned by some unseen hand into lying, cheating,
killing and, perhaps most telling of all, the mistrust and
denial of love. This for the pursuit of a worthless chunk of
Fortlow faces similar limitations. So far as I've read, he
hasn't tried to escape the ghetto so much as tried to find
and maintain his singular humanity within it. Can't we think
of the ghetto metaphorically then, related to the
psychological trap of an abusive relationship?
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