> But I see these kinds of problems even at big-name
publishers, and I
> suspect the problem is the
> publisher, cutting back on production costs by
eliminating multiple
> (with editorial
> commentary) and copy-editing.
> Ray
I mentioned a while back my edition of Lawrence Block's SUCH
MEN ARE DANGEROUS (an excellent book, by the way) from Carrol
& Graf. IIRC, I said that the book contained more typos
than pages. I haven't actually counted the typos but I don't
think that statement was an exaggeration. I've noticed that
many US paperbacks have been very poorly proofread but this
particular tome would have to be the worst example I can
recall. I feel confident in saying that it couldn't have been
proofread at all - even a casual reader with no
proofreading/copy editing experience would have done a far
better job. How a publisher of Carroll & Graf's size
could foist such shoddy product on the market I don't know -
they are doing both the author & the reader/customer a
great disservice. Is this just another example of economic
rationalism, i.e. never mind the quality, think of the profit
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