le 15/04/02 22:12, Ray Skirsky à ¼A
a 飲it :
> At 01:14 AM 4/15/2002 +0000, you wrote:
>> Stewart said, "Too bad his editor didn't hire
some fact
>> checkers too."
>> Usually the copy-editor checks things like that,
and I'm
>> surprised it was missed.
> Yes, but copy editing appears to be a dying
profession. These days it seems
> that copy-editing, for most books, means a quick run
through the
> spell-checker.
I can tell you. As a translator, I had to correct several
mistakes in original texts, and most of my colleagues will
say so. great for french publisher ‹ we actually do the job
the former ones did not. Not so great for local authors who
don't get that much attentionÅ
(Besides, a translation usually pays much better than a novel
you wrote, even if they keep on churning out translations
that does not always sell better than local authors. Go
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vite, un roman noir de Patrick Eris Disponible chez http://www.edibook.com/
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