Same thing with race and even to some degree the sex wars ...
so-and-so isn't White, they were actually X and thus their
prestige belongs to the group when in fact individual success
belongs to no one but the individual. If the individual did
something notable then there's a desire to define them as
part of the race, sex, or sexual preference in order to
legitimatize the group. Actually, I've seen this as an aspect
of nationality as well. It's no longer a matter of equality
(if it ever was) it is a matter of establishing superiority.
Shame we are not likely to see literature, hard-boiled or
otherwise deal with this since any author with balls big
enough and a publishing house not paying attention is going
to immediately be labeled racist, homophobic, or sexist by
the whinerati.
-- Anthony Dauer Alexandria, Virginia
2nd Annual Country Noir Issue ...
... submit by 4 May 2002
-----Original Message----- From: Thomas Bauduret Sent: Sunday, April 07, 2002 8:57 AM
Wasn't it fashionable, politically correct for a while to draw any kind of cock-a-mamie theory to prove almost any recognised writer was in fact a closet homosexual?
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