Pardon the interruption of list debate but I thought it worth
a mention that R.V. Cassill died on May 23 at the age of 82.
The NY Times had a nice obit on him today (April 1st).
Cassill was primarily a writer of mainstream fiction and a
widely published critic. He was a champion of Jim Thompson
long before any critic other than Anthony Boucher ever heard
of him. While I say he was primarily a mainstream writer, he
gladly turned out a few paperback originals in the 1950s
including a Gold Medal Original THE WIFE NEXT DOOR (1959).
His 650 page COLLECTED STORIES was well-reviewed by the Times
in 1989. I'm no expert on his fiction but I read and reread
his book ON WRITING and remember it as one of best writing
texts I've ever read.
Richard Moore
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