Re: RARA-AVIS: Does anyone know...

From: Thomas Bauduret (
Date: 31 Mar 2002

le 30/03/02 18:50, à ¼A HREF=""> a 飲it :

> Does anyone know about the work of George R.R. Martin? Would you
> recommend it, and if so which books? Is he still writing? Has he written
> under other names? Thanks in advance for the help.
I read "Armaggedon Rag" and would highly recommend itÅ  It's definitely not a straightformard horror story, it's such a cross-genre that it probably would not be published today, but a great rock n'roll novel !


"Le ciné­¡ de B à š"Å 

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"Je ne peux m'emp꣨er de trembler alors que la lame du scalpel descend lentement vers ma gorgeŠ" Ne m'enterrez pas trop vite, un roman noir de Patrick Eris Disponible chez

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