Re: RARA-AVIS: a look back

From: Thomas Bauduret (
Date: 28 Mar 2002

> he may not have been at it for quite as long, but with his 11th novel coming
> out in the same amount of years, all of exceptional high quality, with a pair
> of well deserved Edgars among them, I personally feel this guy is rapidly
> approaching living legend status, if he isn't there already. this is one
> hell of a talented storyteller.
Å including in France. His books sell better and better and he is highly revered by readers and critics alike.


"Le ciné­¡ de B à š"Å 

************************************************************************** Any Other Solutions : Nick Cave, :Wumpscut:, Elysian Fields, Depeche Mode, The Cure, Jack The Ripper, Sparklehorse, Deine Lakaien,Peter Gabriel, The Sisters of Mercy, VNV Nation, Icon of Coil, Das Ich, Radiohead, Assemblage 23, CopenhagenÅ 

"Je ne peux m'emp꣨er de trembler alors que la lame du scalpel descend lentement vers ma gorgeŠ" Ne m'enterrez pas trop vite, un roman noir de Patrick Eris Disponible chez

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