Re: RARA-AVIS: Re: RARA-VIS: Top 100 Hard-Boiled Characters

From: Rene Ribic (
Date: 24 Mar 2002

> If HAMLET or MACBETH had been written in the 20th
> Century instead of the 15th, would you really say that
> neither of those characters was worthy of being put on
> a list of the most important characters in the era's
> literature because they appeared in stage plays
> instead of books?
> And if you are willing to stretch a point for an
> essentially visual medium like comic strips, why not
> for film or television which, like any dramatic form,
> begins with the written word?

I have to say I tend to see things the way Jim does, here. I find it very difficult to separate hb movies, tv shows & books & think of them as totally separate categories - particularly movies & hb books which have practically grown up together. The American tough-guy thriller is just as at home between covers as on the silver screen.On the other hand, it does seem as if we have enough characters to vote on without further opening the floodgates.Perhaps we should leave the call to the nominee - as ahs been pointed out, if no one else agrees, they won't vote for it.


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