Re: RARA-AVIS: Nick Carter - author questions & a Quiller question

From: Thomas Bauduret (
Date: 23 Mar 2002

> In my opinion, the first few Quiller books you read are going to be the
> best for you, regardless of where you jump into the series. The books are so
> similar in characterization, mood, plot scheme, dialogue (especially the
> interior stuff Quiller goes through) and pacing that after you've done a few
> of them, the bloom fades a bit. They're always fun, but less so the tenth
> time than the second.
I remember one who was pretty surreal, close to sueê²®atural. For one time, Quiller waiting for a killer to come from him from another country and monitored his progress almost minute by minute before the showdown. Pretty haunting stuff !

If I only could remember the titleÅ 


"Le ciné­¡ de B à š"Å 

************************************************************************** Any Other Solutions : Nick Cave, :Wumpscut:, Elysian Fields, Depeche Mode, The Cure, Jack The Ripper, Sparklehorse, Deine Lakaien,Peter Gabriel, The Sisters of Mercy, VNV Nation, Icon of Coil, Das Ich, Radiohead, Assemblage 23, CopenhagenÅ 

"Je ne peux m'emp꣨er de trembler alors que la lame du scalpel descend lentement vers ma gorgeŠ" Ne m'enterrez pas trop vite, un roman noir de Patrick Eris Disponible chez

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