Re: Re: RARA-AVIS: List of 100 Best hard boiled characters of the las t 100 years

Date: 21 Mar 2002

On Thu, 21 Mar 2002 11:09:18 +0100 Thomas Bauduret <> wrote:

> There were pulps in Lithuania in the 1950s?
> I know they had them in East German in the Fifties, but Lithuania?

> In Germany, there were LOTS and LOTS of pulp
> magazine, including characters
> like Perry Rhodan, Jerry Cotton, Komissar X,

Right--I've got lots of them on my Pulps page.

I really meant after the war, in the Eastern Bloc countries.

> Of course, the problem is that we can't know
> everything that existed. Though
> most encyclopedias, with typical Western-world
> ethnocentrism, only includes American and
> European fictionĂ… 

I'd like to think that my Pulps site ( for the curious) goes some way towards rectifying that.


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