Re: RARA-AVIS: islands in the stream

From: Michael Robison (
Date: 18 Mar 2002

> Love the bit about whoever it was "cutting" someone dead at a social
> function and it turned out not to be the intended recipient but ---
> Crowley "the diabolist."

but does the _movable feast_ every actually mention crowley's name? cuz i don't quite remember that. in the fog of my memory, there's also a part in the book where he talks about a man in a dark cape walking past a cafe window, and i think thats spozed to be crowley too.

ever read aleister's autobiography? i read it and was somewhat impressed, at least with his endless ego. then i read a biography of him and realized that there were certain coded phrases in the autobiography for what he was really doing during his magical rites. things that would surely make it difficult sitting down on the following day. he died an impoverished heroin addict.


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