Jim Beaver writes:
<< The O'Connor story is on my TBR pile. Is it too old
to be worthy of a
spoiler warning? >>
Any ending deserves a spoiler, but the spoiling revelation
doesn't hurt "A Good Man" too too much. If you want another
hard, unspoiled O'Connor story try my favorite: "Good Country
People." On O'Connor, it's worth remembering that John
"Maltese Falcon" Huston adapted O'Connor's first novel, "Wise
Blood," to film. And now that I'm on film, I'll point out
that I recently saw in theaters two classic film noirs, both
adapted from print material, that seem to be making the
rounds. Well worth getting out for: "Night of the Hunter,"
and less well-known, "Nightmare Alley" (with Tyrone Power, a
carny-con man story).
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