"Cyberpunk," which I'm also having difficulty typing this
evening. John Shirley from that group almost made my last
list; Lewis Shiner's SLAM is pretty much a solid hb, but not
sf like much of his other work.
Among the Splatterpunk and related horror writers, it's also
hard to swing a dying cat w/o hitting hb folk: Joe R.
Lansdale, Shirley, Douglas Winter, David Schow...going back a
bit further, Dennis Etchison....
-----Original Message----- From: Joe Dante [mailto:
joe_dante@flashmail.com] At 3/11/02 05:52 PM, Forstater,
Mathew wrote:
>How about hb Science Fiction?
Philip K. Dick would be on my list, DO ANDROIDS DREAM OF
ELECTRIC SHEEP always struck me as hard-boiled. And Walter
Mosley's story collection FUTUREWORLD has a real hard-boiled
feel to it.
Some of the stuff in the "Cuber-Punk" sub-genre seems like it
would qualify. Authors Neal Stephenson (SNOW CRASH) and
William Gibson come to mind.
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