Re: RARA-AVIS: Warren Murphy

From: Thomas Bauduret (
Date: 11 Mar 2002

Incidentally I translated a few Destroyer novels, and they just gets wackyer and wackyer, with a great work on the Remo Williams character ‹ who, considering the way you look at him, can be either a Great American hero or a complete moron.There is definitely something Monty Pythonesque in there.

Oh, and the first movie with Fred ward and Joel Grey was really nice too. Too bad it bombed and they had to stop the seriesÅ 

> I got a shipment of the first 40 or so
> Destroyer paperbacks on Saturday that I
> won in an eBay auction and read the first
> two--very funny and fast moving. There's
> a real shift in tone from book one, which is
> more a straightforward, serious treatment of
> the avenger theme, but which has its moments,
> to book two, which is already pretty whacked
> out, as Remo becomes the security officer for
> a think-tank that has, apparently, developed a
> simple plan for taking over the world. With books
> like these, it's possible to read three or four of them
> in a day, so I'll have to be careful to ration them
> out. Just want to thank those who contributed to
> the "men's adventure" string a few weeks back and
> inspired me to look into these.
> Craig Larson
> Trinidad, CO
> --
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