>This is my first Pelecanos and I
>must say I am disappointed so far. The book is fast
paced at first but then
>slows down in endless getting to know different
While I have enjoyed many of GP's efforts, I also was
underwhelmed by SHAME THE DEVIL. The pacing does slow down
after the initial gangbusters opening, and I think [after
having read the book] GP presents the characters and goes
into so much getting-to-know-them because of a particular
plot twist that I cannot mention since it would spoil things.
And this device did not quite work for me, as it felt like a
let-down, a one trick pony that didn't perform.
I was also disappointed that Marcus Clay doesn't truly appear
in this one, as I like his character better than Karras. I
just got back from Montreal where I picked up RIGHT AS RAIN,
and it vaulted to the top of the pile so I am a GP fan.
Hopefully I'll be able to rtecommend this one to ya!
Keith Logan
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